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Waste prevention plan: turn a need into a virtue

Do you have or want an environmental permit for your business? If so, a waste prevention plan may be necessary to comply with laws and regulations. Milgro makes it easy for you and presents a tailor-made waste prevention plan. If you are already a Milgro customer, we have the necessary information and can get started right away.

New to Milgro? Then we are happy to start with a Waste Scan to map your waste streams precisely. With this, you turn a need into a virtue, because the waste scan and the waste prevention plan not only show improvements in ecological terms, but also show you the opportunities for cost savings. Less waste, more value, also for the environment.

Feel free to contact us  

Components of the waste prevention plan:

  • Waste scan
  • Waste walk
  • Source-cause analysis
  • Residual waste analysis
  • Prevention & recycling measures
  • Feasibility analysis & planning
  • Added value waste prevention plan
  • Insight into waste streams
  • Insight into improvements
  • Realisation of savings
  • Step into circular operations

Sustainable gains with a waste prevention plan

Our team of experienced professionals is trained in the latest waste prevention methods and has a proven track record in delivering accurate and high-quality waste prevention plans. Find out how Milgro can help your business meet legal obligations as well as sustainable goals.

More information? Fill in the form and we will send you more information with no obligation.

Added value waste prevention plan

Understanding waste streams  | Added value waste prevention plan | Milgro

Understanding waste streams

Insight into improvements | Added value waste prevention plan | Milgro

Insight into improvements

Achieve savings | Added value waste prevention plan | Milgro

Achieve savings

Step into circular operations | Added value waste prevention plan | Milgro

Step into circular operations

Interesting for your business?

Waste scan| van Milgro
Sustainable Consultancy| van Milgro
Zero Waste Workshop| van Milgro
Zerowastechallenge| van Milgro

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