Webinar: CSRD, How to start? | Watch our on demand webinar


Start your trial of the

Milgro Online Dashboard

Get started with the online dashboard with no obligation and discover why our customers have been recommending us for 30 years.

  • Free 7 day access
  • No credit card required
  • Our specialists are ready to help you


Yes, start my 7 day trial

Complete the form below to start your trial.

The Milgro Online Dashboard is used by:

Verstegen | The Milgro Online Dashboard is used by: | Milgro
Akzo Nobel | The Milgro Online Dashboard is used by: | Milgro
postnl | The Milgro Online Dashboard is used by: | Milgro
DNP | The Milgro Online Dashboard is used by: | Milgro
Technical Union | The Milgro Online Dashboard is used by: | Milgro
Henri_logo_outlines_rgb_large_300dpi | The Milgro Online Dashboard is used by: | Milgro
WMD Water | The Milgro Online Dashboard is used by: | Milgro

Start your trial It is that simple

Step 1: Fill out the form +-
Please complete the registration form. We will work to get your trial ready as soon as possible, and at the latest within 3 business days. As soon as you are ready to start, you will receive an invitation email.
Step 2: Create your own password +-

After your registration is processed, you will receive an email that allows you to set up a one-time password. You will then log in with your email address and password. Have you forgotten your password? No problem, you can reset it from the login page.

Step 3: Your trail from the Milgro Online Dashboard +-

From the moment you receive the invitation email, you will have 7 days access to the trial version of the Milgro Dashboard.

Do you have a question?
Please contact Mikolaj

What clients say:

What clients say:

"Milgro quickly surprised us with a complete overview of ALL our waste streams. The customized cross-sections provide us with in-depth insight into the structure of the costs and benefits of our waste streams."


The benefits of Milgro Online Dashboard

The Milgro Dashboard provides insight into your company's waste, waste and resource goals and performance indicators. This allows you to meet government waste requirements, work more efficiently, save time and make your business more sustainable.

  • Set a target and get at-a-glance insight into economic and environmental performance
  • Export and share reports
  • View the performance of your branch are and compare different branches with each other
  • Be continuously well prepared for audits and comply with legislation, such as the European sustainability directive CSRD
  • Environment, CO2 reports and waste register at the touch of a button
  • Close your waste records with validated data
  • Get projected insights of expected results two days after an emptying
  • Stel een target in en krijg in één oogopslag inzicht in economische en ecologische prestaties
  • Exporteer en deel rapportages
  • Bekijk de prestaties van uw vestiging zijn en vergelijk verschillende vestigingen met elkaar
  • Wees continue goed voorbereid op audits en voldoe aan wetgeving, zoals de Europese duurzaamheidsrichtlijn CSRD
  • Met een druk op de knop milieu, CO2 rapportages en het afvalstoffenregister
  • Maak uw afvaladministratie sluitend met gevalideerde data
  • Krijg twee dagen na een lediging geprognotiseerde inzichten van te verwachten resultaten

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