Discover efficiency, cost and time saving opportunities for your organization
Experience tells us that we do not always have a clear view of the opportunities that efficiently organized waste logistics can mean for an organization. Where are the opportunities for your organization? Take the test, which has been specially developed for the logistics sector. How do you score? Get inspired
Test your opportunitiesand receive directly in your mail a handy overview of where you can save time and costs
question 1
How have you arranged your waste management?
- In-house, through regular waste organizations
- Outsourced
question 2
How many waste-related invoices do you receive per month?
- 5+
- 2-5
- 1
question 3
How do you request your waste order?
- By phone
- Digitally
question 4
Are you deploying smart technology for your waste order process?
- No
- Yes, but I still see opportunities
- Yes, fully smart
question 5
How much time do you spend preparing reports for audit purposes, for example?
- 20+ hours a month
- 1-20 hours a month
- 0 hours
question 6
Is the following statement true?
I am constantly short of staff in operations.
- True
- Not true
question 7
Is the following statement true?
We monitor ecological impact and waste in the operational process in-house.
- True
- Not true
question 8
Is the following statement true?
We have fully optimized our return logistics.
- True
- Not true
question 9
Do you have insight in the total costs and savings of your waste streams?
- No
- Yes
question 10
Do you have insight in the ecological impact (CO2) of your waste streams?
- No
- Yes