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Manager of sustainability at Verstegen Marianne van Keep: Through cooperation with Milgro, theme of waste is high on the agenda.
Manager of sustainability at Verstegen Marianne van Keep: Through cooperation with Milgro, theme of waste is high on the agenda.



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Manager of sustainability at Verstegen Marianne van Keep: Through cooperation with Milgro, theme of waste is high on the agenda.

Verstegen Spices and Sauces, known for its jars of herbs and spices, wants to significantly reduce the share of residual waste in its production process. Milgro helps with this. "We have almost achieved our goal," says sustainability manager Marianne van Keep of Verstegen. "But we're not there yet."

Reducing waste is one of Verstegen's goals for doing business more sustainably. Chief Sustainability Officer Van Keep is doing all he can to transform the manufacturing company "doing sustainability" into one in which sustainability is an integral part of business operations. Not without success; Verstegen is making great progress and recently achieved Ecovadis Gold certification. This places Verstegen among the 6% most sustainable companies. The efforts earned Van Keep, who is emphatically stirring in the network of sustainability managers, the title of Sustainability Manager of the Year in 2021.


Reducing waste is a difficult topic

It characterizes an ambitious sustainability manager; when it comes to waste reduction, Verstegen is not yet where the company wants to be, Van Keep believes. "Separating and reducing waste is a difficult subject," she knows. "The danger of slacking off is lurking, especially when the shop floor is hectic and the customer's wishes prevail."

Waste goal almost met

"But we have made good strides in this together with Milgro," Van Keep continues. "Milgro has helped to make separating waste more accessible and transparent. They examined with the people on the shop floor where the obstacles are, and what is needed to make separating waste more natural." For example, signage has been adjusted. And clear overviews are provided. These interventions have led to a reduction in the proportion of residual waste. The separation rate currently stands at 79.9%. "Our goal is 80%, so we are almost there. Ultimately, of course, we want to get to 0% residual waste."

marianne-02-vierkant“It's great then that Milgro is a partner at all those levels," says Van Keep. "Although we engage an additional party, it ensures that we have a clear point of contact that helps us achieve our goals. This puts reducing waste high on the agenda.”

Circular steps

Marianne van Keep also mentions a number of other concrete measures she and Milgro took. For example, the material for wearing the labels on the packaging goes back to the manufacturer for new applications. That saves 9 tons of waste on an annual basis (2022). And plastic that is used internally, such as buckets or lids, Verstegen collects separately and delivers it to a company in Milgro's network. This company processes it into basic material with which new products are manufactured for Verstegen. "That really completes the circle," Van Keep said. In addition, organic waste is collected separately in Verstegen's test kitchen, where the company presents its herbs to customers. That saves 12 tons of residual waste per year.


Having the conversation at all tables

According to the sustainability manager, it is important that the conversation about waste reduction, and more broadly about circularity, be held at multiple tables within Verstegen. At the board table, at the purchasing department and in the operation. "It is nice then that Milgro is a discussion partner at all those levels," says Van Keep. "Although we engage an additional party, it ensures that we have a clear point of contact that helps us realize our objectives. Countering waste thus becomes high on the agenda."


'We found out that reducing waste is really an arduous and time-consuming task. And that it is therefore much more effective to use an external and specialized party for this. That's what we did. We are happy with Milgro..”

Verstegen prefers to do everything themselves

Marianne van Keep is pleased with the cooperation with Milgro. She confesses, "Verstegen is a company that prefers to do things all by itself, in-house. Until you find out that reducing waste is really a heavy and time-consuming task. And that it is therefore much more effective to use an external and specialized party for this. That's what we did. We are happy with them."



Verstegen and Milgro in numbers:

  • Separation rate to 79.9% by end Q2 2023.
  • Material label carriers returned to manufacturer for new applications: saves 9 tons of waste on an annual basis (2022).
  • Plastic used internally is collected separately and processed into base material used to manufacture new products for Verstegen. This saves 12 tons of residual waste per year.


Want to know more?

Alex 600x680Would you like to know more about our approach or discuss the possibilities for your organization? Make an appointment with Alex van Kuilenburg, Business Developer Manager food at Milgro.