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Test your knowledge of waste separation
Test your knowledge of waste separation

Where to toss it?

It is obvious why separating waste is important for a company, we don't want raw materials to become waste. Resulting in fewer new materials that need to be purchased when existing materials can be reused. But what is perhaps less obvious is where the following unique waste streams belong.

Test your knowledge

Answer the 10 challenging questions and recieve your result in your mailbox!

Glass has different flows, such as hollow glass and flat glass.

Are drinking glasses part of the hollow glass stream?
  • Yes
  • No

It often happens that a load of soil is not just made up of soil alone.

Can soil that contains tree roots simply be included in the 'Soil' waste stream?
  • Yes
  • No

The origin of ash is often firewood.

Can wood ash be classified as organic plant waste?
  • Yes
  • No

Coffee packaging has, as is often the case with crisp bags, an inner layer of silver foil.

Can this coffee packaging be disposed of in the PMD?
  • Yes
  • No

Wood is collected in 3 different categories

Is painted hardwood part of the A-wood waste stream?
  • Yes
  • No

The waste separation of oils is not always clear. The question is:

Is sunflower oil part of the waste oil waste stream?
  • Yes
  • No

There are different categories of plastics. Such as HDPE, LDPE, PVC and EPS.

Is styrofoam part of the EPS waste stream?
  • Yes
  • No

In construction, many types of waste are disposed of as rubble.

Can gypsum also be disposed of in this waste stream?
  • Yes
  • No

And now: broken fluorescent tubes.

They can just be disposed of with the waste stream fluorescent tubes, right?
  • Ja
  • Nee

The last question.

Large numbers of orange peels and shells of nuts and peanuts belong to the waste stream swill. Is this correct?
  • Yes
  • No


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