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Your Milgro dashboard: always and everywhere insight into your waste and resource performance

Milgro understands that it is sometimes difficult to keep track of all the rules and data. That is why we offer a digital solution to see at a glance how your company is performing.

Your online dashboard provides insight into your company's goals and performance indicators on waste, waste and raw materials. This allows you to meet government waste requirements, work more efficiently, save time and make your business more sustainable.



Download the productsheet

Fill out the form and we will send the productsheet to your email address

What are the benefits of using the dashboard?

  • Insight into economic and environmental performance at a glance
  • Effortlessly click through for in-depth access to underlying data
  • Export reports and share them with your team
  • Compare the performance of different sites
  • Easily view the performance of your site
  • Be continuously well prepared for audits
  • Comply with legislation, such as the European sustainability directive CSRD
  • Balance your waste administration with validated data
  • Make results transparent at the operational level
  • Share your achieved sustainability goals with a single mouse click
What clients say:

What clients say:

"Milgro quickly surprised us with a complete overview of ALL our waste streams. The customized cross-sections offer us in-depth insight into the structure of the costs and benefits of our waste streams."

Benefits Milgro Online Portal

  • Fast and efficient. Anytime, anywhere.
  • Ecological and economic performance at a glance
  • Quick response to your support question or request
  • Occasional orders possible
  • Link multiple locations
  • On tablet, desktop and mobile in multiple languages
Benefits Milgro Online Portal Fast and efficient. Anytime, anywhere. Ecological and economic performance at a ... | Milgro

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