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Zero Waste Week focuses on waste-free solutions
Zero Waste Week focuses on waste-free solutions




27 May 2024


1 minuut

Zero Waste Week focuses on waste-free solutions

From May 25 to 31 is National Zero Waste Week, which focuses on minimizing waste for a week. Milgro focuses on waste in the office and in production environments. During this week we bundle our knowledge and propose solutions that contribute to waste reduction. With an interesting program, a live blog, practical examples and the opportunity to ask questions about specific challenges, this week makes it versatile and interesting for any organization that has zero waste ambitions. 

After last year's success, when Milgro challenged itself with a zero waste challenge for its 30th anniversary, we will again take up the challenge this year to provide as many solutions as possible that ensure waste-free. Last year's challenge made us at the office aware of our behavior around waste for a week. Every working day during the past zero waste week we ended with a waste lab, where we weighed all waste flows in the office and provided ideas to do better. To start this year, we will take the temperature and weigh our waste again. We are very curious to know which of our solutions from last year still work well and which do not or less so. We share these learnings extensively via our live blog.

In addition, there are waste flows that are unavoidable and for which there are no sustainable solutions. With the launch of the Waste500 last February, we can address these flows. Waste flows that cannot be avoided and for which there is no sustainable processing are placed on the Waste500. Next year, all these unavoidable flows will be ranked and we will release the official Waste500 list.

This year we are once again inspiring other companies to get started themselves and go waste-free for a week. We offer a starter package for this, containing all the information needed to organize this week yourself. In addition, Milgro is happy to support these companies with a Zero Waste Workshop. These workshops contribute to creating insight and awareness. 


About Milgro

Milgro is the fast-growing technology company for managing natural capital. We enable organizations to profitably integrate sustainable use of raw materials into their business operations. In this way we accelerate 'the new normal' of a circular economy. 

As a leader in the raw materials transition, Milgro provides various services in the field of sustainable waste and raw materials management. Based on a unique technology, methodology and approach, Milgro's approximately 120 employees focus every day on realizing profitable sustainability for leading (international) clients in the construction, chemical, energy, food, industry, logistics, maritime, mobility and healthcare sectors.