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Maintenance or remodeling? Call in a waste expert early!
Maintenance or remodeling? Call in a waste expert early!




18 December 2023

Reading time

3 minutes

Maintenance or remodeling? Call in a waste expert early!

Is major maintenance coming up or a remodel of your commercial building or factory planned? If so, don't forget to bring in a waste expert. In this article, we explain why involving waste experts early offers both economic and environmental benefits.

Waste disposal in a remodeling

When remodeling a commercial building, waste disposal must play a role early on. This has mainly to do with two aspects: source separation and internal waste logistics.

Source separation

When factories and offices are vacated or demolished, a lot of waste is generated. Fortunately, very often this waste is still suitable for recycling or reuse. But good preparation is essential for source separation.


In some cases, this requires the contractor to perform certain actions. Therefore, it is wise to include source separation and segregation of waste streams in the contract in advance.

Take advantage of our knowledge of waste streams and source separation. For example, Milgro was able to reuse materials that were released during the renovation of a Gasunie building.

Internal waste logistics

Is your premises being rearranged for a more efficient process? When rearranging the production area, it makes sense to integrate waste collection and disposal directly. This offers the possibility of significant time savings and efficient internal waste logistics. 
An example: a discharge conveyor is installed from the unpacking department to the cardboard press. Cardboard waste material is thus disposed of directly and effectively. 



Common and efficient waste treatment methods are not always obviously the most sustainable options. For companies seeking to increase reuse, it is essential to start early on to find a suitable party to reuse waste. By applying reuse, a company can reduce up to 99% of emissions related to waste.

Milgro as waste expert at your renovation

Source separation is the most sustainable waste management solution. But how do you ensure workable internal waste logistics? For example, how do you deal with different qualities of plastic? And does source separation also provide economic benefits? As an expert in waste flows, Milgro gladly calculates these kinds of questions for you. We list two inspiring example cases.

Example 1: ecological profit

A company requested a construction and demolition container for the disposal of 14,000 kg of waste. This involved the cost of €3,160 and an emission of 8,768.2 kg of CO₂. However, the early involvement of Milgro resulted in:

  • 10,500 kg of waste in the construction and demolition container: € 2,405 and 6,576.15 kg of CO₂ emissions.
  • 2,100 kg of wood: € 194.- and 420 kg of CO₂ emissions.
  • 1,400 kg of old iron: - € 700.- and 1358 kg of CO₂ emissions.

The economic costs are only € 108 higher, but a significant ecological gain has been realized. CO₂ emissions have been reduced by 414 kg, which is equivalent to 8 trees.

CO₂ emissions have been reduced by 414 kg, which is equivalent to 8 trees.

Example 2: reuse chipboards

For another company, 19,000 chipboards were ready for disposal to the incinerator. The cost of disposing and destroying these 180 tons of waste was approximately €5,000. 

Milgro's efforts resulted in no incineration emissions and no costs. How. The chipboards were reused in a construction project of 260 houses in which 70% of the material used was residual material, as teaching material for a wood and furniture college and in an art project for a museum with 20,000 m² of exhibition space.

The ecological gain of these 180 tons of avoided residual waste through reuse equals 411 tons of CO2eq.

Milgro's deployment resulted in no combustion emissions and no costs.

Five benefits of early deployment of waste management during remodeling or maintenance:

  • Economic benefits. In addition to direct financial benefits and ecological gains, early involvement of waste experts can lead to long-term cost savings and corporate reputation enhancement.
  • Ecologically better choices. Early consideration of waste streams encourages more environmentally friendly choices, such as recycling and reuse.
  • Risk management. Identifying and managing potential risks associated with waste management in remodeling projects is simplified.
  • Education and training. Providing training and educational resources to stakeholders on effective waste management and recycling practices.
  • Regulation and compliance. Ensuring that all activities comply with waste management regulations.

Enlist the help of a waste expert now!

Waste may not seem like the most important aspect of a large-scale renovation. Yet you can make economic and environmental gains by including waste management early in the process. Therefore, engage Milgro as a waste expert for your remodeling or maintenance project. Contact us immediately and schedule an appointment early. Is there urgency? Then of course we are also happy to think along with you about the processing of your waste streams.

Feel free to contact us