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Week without Waste: the Waste Lab
Week without Waste: the Waste Lab



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Week without Waste: the Waste Lab

During the week without waste, we close every day with a Waste Lab. We then literally dive into our waste bins, wearing gloves. And weigh all our daily waste. But it doesn't stop with weighing...

Waste expertise

A Waste Lab at Milgro is given by waste experts. Our CEOs (Circular Economy Officers) and Waste Engineers take care of the Labs. After measuring, the real work begins: post-separation and gaining insight.

Our goal is to prevent all waste flows and to find a sustainable future-proof solution for all flows that turn out to be unavoidable. For us at the office, this means coming up with a solution for our most important flows: organic waste, coffee cups, coffee grounds, plastic, bikjes, plastic bottles and waste paper. Also read our blogs with solutions.

During the Waste Lab, the CEO and WE-er on duty provide us (the public) with information about the origin and composition of material, the processing methods, and the tips to prevent waste from these streams. And the latter is exactly what a Waste Lab is all about!



Dive into your organization's waste with a Zerowaste workshop

The Waste Lab is an important part of our Zerowaste workshop. With this interactive workshop we involve employees in achieving the sustainable goals of the organization. We literally dive into the waste streams, the challenges of waste management, the importance of the circular economy and the processing of separated and residual waste. Want to know more? Look here for more information.