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Earth Overshoot Day and concrete steps to move the day forward
Earth Overshoot Day and concrete steps to move the day forward



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Earth Overshoot Day and concrete steps to move the day forward

One week from now, on August 1, 2024, it will be Earth Overshoot Day. On that day, we will have consumed what the world can renew in a year. For the remaining days of the year, we live “on credit. Together, we face the challenge of bringing Earth Overshoot Day back toward December 31. It won't happen overnight, but it's certainly not impossible to move it back in that direction either. How do we approach that? We'll take you step by step.  

Previous dates and Earth Overshoot Day this year 

In 1986, Earth Overshoot Day still fell on December 31, but in the year 2000 it was on November 1. Since then, the day when we use up more of the earth than it can renew has come earlier and earlier in the year. For the past five years, the date has been around late July and early August. The 2020 corona year was an exception, when the day fell about 3 weeks later, on Aug. 22. Today is Earth Overshoot Day 2024. It is August 1, which means the day falls one day earlier than last year.  

Specifically for the Netherlands, this year's Overshoot Day fell on April 1. In Belgium, it even fell on March 23. In an earlier blog, we discuss Dutch Overshoot Day and how different countries compare:


Quite a bit of data. The main message is that worldwide we are currently using too much of the earth, more than the earth can renew in a year. To translate the name of the day: we are overshooting. We are depleting the earth and that brings serious consequences. Thus, we are approaching dangerous tipping points (tipping points) in the climate and ecosystem, from which recovery is difficult or even impossible. 

Earth Overshoot Day = (Earth’s Biocapacity / Humanity’s Ecological Footprint) x 366

A logical conclusion can be drawn from this formula. We cannot influence the Earth's biocapacity that much, so humanity's ecological footprint must go down for balance. 

Effective attitude

So far we have provided information on the date of Earth Overshoot Day over the years. And we have discussed the consequences of the current global consumption of the earth. This message can be overwhelming. But by having the reality in focus, we can move to action.  

Getting started as an organization?

How can you get started with this assignment? Several paths lead to Rome. Our years of experience have taught us that the biggest strides at companies are made with better separation and ultimately to zero waste. We help many companies with this, and can also help you with this. It is a good first step to influence together to reduce the date of Earth Overshoot Day. 

Consuming even less than 1 earth for recovery

In order for Earth to recover from the damage done in recent decades, Earth Overshoot Day should actually fly off the calendar altogether. And only take place after December 31. Our mission is to consume mínder than the resources the earth can renew in a year. This is how we grant the earth recovery. Will you participate?