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DownloadMilgro's approach is connecting: we match disposers of waste and raw materials with recipients. With our large network and 30+ years of experience, we are sure that we can make the right connection for every company. In this way we work together towards a world without waste and a truly circular economy.
What has Milgro achieved so far in the resource transition? Our results are always a combination of Growth and Bloom. Grow commercially and let the earth bloom. We also call this 'Earth & earn together'. Together with our partners we realize the following for our clients:
savings in costs and time
reduction of avoidable wastage
grip on waste and resources
profitable sustainability
“Due to the insight provided by Milgro into current and expected waste costs, our internal discussion has shifted from the figures to the content. The forecasts provided provide insight into the opportunities for process efficiency and the reduction of waste for all parties involved. We also use the data to optimize our use of raw materials and thus make not only a financial but also an ecological impact.”
Ton Nieuwenhuisen, assistant controller at Dycore
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We literally dive into your waste bin. The resource transition starts from your waste bin where we do a zero measurement on location(s). Every location and stream is unique.
We analyze your flows and opportunities for improvement in terms of cost savings and ecological impact.
With a Go we start with the digital design of your waste management.
Periodically we repeat these steps according to the demming protocol (plan, do, check, act). Your regular contact person always does this in consultation with you.
Measuring is knowing. The Milgro Dashboard provides a clear overview of your company's goals and performance indicators in terms of waste, waste and raw materials. This way you can comply with laws and regulations, work more efficiently, save time and make your company more sustainable.
Milgro works with the gripmodel: grip on waste, grip on waste and grip on resources. Our goal is to work with you to preserve the value of raw materials within the chain for as long as possible, or even indefinitely. In this way we create value on an ecological and economic level.
More control over your waste and resources?
With our approach, your company is fully guided in your waste and raw materials management. With our online portal and service, our reports, dashboards and tracking systems you are assured of smart waste management. No more waste and a clear step towards a circular economy. The end result: profitable sustainability; good for business and good for the planet.
Take the step towards circularity with us and accelerate the resource transition. By starting to manage our natural capital, we preserve our raw materials and the earth for future generations. The bee is our symbol: indispensable for growth and flowering, intelligent and connecting. Bee connected with Milgro by following us or subscribing to our newsletter.